Texas Proposition 2 was amended to the state constitution
November 8th, 2005. It defined a marriage as being “only of the
union of one man and one woman.” It also prohibited the state or any political
subdivisions from creating or recognizing any legal status similar to marriage.
The Save Texas Marriage political action
committee opposed the amendment and argued that the poorly drafted amendment
banned all forms of marriage. Kelly Shackleford, the president of Free Market
Foundation, who supported the amendment defended it by saying that it did “not
ban marriage in general,” just same sex marriage. There has been attempts to repeal the proposition was
died in the process.
The most recent, in February 2014, a federal judge Orlando Garcia had the case on the repeal of the Texas Proposition 2. He ruled gay marriage was still illegal in Texas. His claims were the gay marriage had no "legitimate governmental purpose."
There is roughly 5 gay couples for every 1,000 house holds in Texas. Whether the conservatives like it or not they are here and queer. Get use to it! In Texas, 48% of individuals have said to support gay marriage. 35 states in America recognizes same-sex unions. The constitution should be amended to keep up with the current times. By not allowing same sex marriage, the constitution is not living up to its purpose to serve and protect the rights of people. Government is over stepping their boundaries. The government is trying to stop the pursuit of happiness of others and stripping them of their marital rights. Homophobia is a social disease! Why does it matter if two men or two women get married? Their marriage does not intrude into any ones life.The most recent, in February 2014, a federal judge Orlando Garcia had the case on the repeal of the Texas Proposition 2. He ruled gay marriage was still illegal in Texas. His claims were the gay marriage had no "legitimate governmental purpose."
I completely agree with your argument that the government is overstepping its boundaries by denying same gender couples the right to marry. And the type of ignorance and discrimination that is homophobia is unbecoming and, for lack of a better term, just plain wrong in this day and age. It's time that, not only Texas, nor America, but the world realizes that when it's all said and done, we are all human and the only way to grow as a race is to coexist and accept one another for who we are: gay, straight, white, black, Asian, hispanic, or whatever.
ReplyDelete"All Marriages are Same Sex, You Get Married, & Every Night it's the SAME SEX"
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with VyVy's blog Homophobia is a Social Disease!, I like how she said "The constitution should be amended to keep up with the current times," she is absolutely right, people are so stuck in what life was like before the 20th century. The world is constantly changing, the first 10 amendments in The Constitution are supposed to respect our rights as people but as you can see those rights are getting took from us every day whether it be directly or indirectly. People are so stuck in the past that the future may never even have a chance to change.
People should respect same sex marriage. What effect does two guys getting married to each other have on your life? Are you not going to be able to sleep at night knowing that people of the same sex are able to get married in Texas? As people we tend to judge first instead of just accepting someone for who they are and what they believe in. The It Gets Better Program has highlighted some of the violence and bullying young people suffer just because they are gay. Violence should never be the answer especially if the people are doing no harm to you. Research does not show that kids who grow up with two of the same sex parents do bad in school, or are more likely to be depressed or any of those bizarre things. So my question again is, why does it matter so much? We should learn how to just respect people's choices.
I fully agree with every point that VyVy advocates in her editorial Homophobia is a Social Disease; I believe she does a very good job at creating a valid argument which she collaborates with relevant data to establish her position. America is one of the most progressive and advanced nations in the world and we should reflect the ideals of the majority of the society in our state constitutions. Texas is one of the several states lagging behind in the progression of equality for homosexual couples, this is due to the massive population of conservatives throughout the state and the lack of democratic participation regrading the subject. VyVy chose a very good topic because everyone should be informed about this injustice at the hands of our forefathers and know that we have the potential to amend the constitution so that it may apply to our diverse society here in the 21st century. As my colleague mentions, the denial of marriage rights for homosexuals is an infringement on the inalienable right guaranteed in the US Constitution, which deems that "the pursuit of happiness" is something every living human deserves. So why don't amend the constitution to clarify WHO is entitled to the "pursuit of happiness"?