Friday, December 12, 2014

"Safety First"

My colleague Ms. Tran's article caught my attention. Austin as a growing city's decision for the no plastic bag use was an innovative idea that effected all of our residents.   “SafetyFirst” is a post about the Single-Use Carryout Bag Ordinance in Austin. Before reading her writing I did not realize what hazards there were for the re-usable bags. She stated that there was potential cross contamination inside the bags. I don’t believe people ever think about cleaning out there bags. When you carry raw meat and vegetables together you don’t think twice about it. I agree with Ms. Tran’s position that the legislature should help educate the citizens on the Single-Use Carryout Bag Ordinance's potential hazards when people do not clean out their re-usable bags.
The post was well written and informative. Ms. Tran gave the brief on the ordinance, gave the problem with the ordinance, and her idea to resolve the problem. The piece was not too long and kept me interested in the topic. I would suggest others living in Austin or any other individuals living in Single-Use Carryout Bag Ordinance cities to read her blog or find another way to educate themselves on the issues.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Homophobia is a Social Disease!

Texas Proposition 2 was amended to the state constitution November 8th, 2005. It defined a marriage as being “only of the union of one man and one woman.” It also prohibited the state or any political subdivisions from creating or recognizing any legal status similar to marriage.  The Save Texas Marriage political action committee opposed the amendment and argued that the poorly drafted amendment banned all forms of marriage. Kelly Shackleford, the president of Free Market Foundation, who supported the amendment defended it by saying that it did “not ban marriage in general,” just same sex marriage. There has been attempts to repeal the proposition was died in the process.

 The most recent, in February 2014, a federal judge Orlando Garcia had the case on the repeal of the Texas Proposition 2. He ruled gay marriage was still illegal in Texas. His claims were the gay marriage had no "legitimate governmental purpose."
There is roughly 5 gay couples for every 1,000 house holds in Texas. Whether the conservatives like it or not they are here and queer. Get use to it! In Texas, 48% of individuals have said to support gay marriage. 35 states in America recognizes same-sex unions. The constitution should be amended to keep up with the current times. By not allowing same sex marriage, the constitution is not living up to its purpose to serve and protect the rights of people. Government is over stepping their boundaries. The government is trying to stop the pursuit of happiness of others and stripping them of their marital rights. Homophobia is a social disease! Why does it matter if two men or two women get married? Their marriage does not intrude into any ones life.