My colleague, Karis, makes good points in her blog “PullingOut.” Her funny and interesting title caught my attention. Her choice in
writing shows her voice in the subject and makes it a little more exciting to
read. Being a female, I feel this topic is a more relatable subject than for
men. I agree with Karis’s opinion. This is our bodies and the government has no
right in trying to regulate it. If the abortion laws proposed are to be passed,
we will be seeing less abortion, but will the outcome outweigh the product?
Everyone who is against abortion is so worked up about
saving babies that they don’t think about the consequences that follow if a
large number of the abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood, were to
close. Karis points out good key problems if abortion clinics. Yes, the recent
studies have shown the lowest abortion rates since the 1970’s but these
optimistic people aren’t seeing what’s on the other end of the double ended
sword of abortion. The foster care system will increase and the numbers of as
well as homeless unwanted children on the streets. For a child who is living in
a home with a mother who did not want a child, the child is more likely to be
subjected to neglect or mental and physical abuse. The amount of money the
government must fork out will be a lot as well, when you consider how many of
these unfit mothers will need to be a welfare plan for the child they can’t be
fiscally responsible for.
There are minimal errors such as word choice. In her second
paragraph, she used the word “their” instead of “there.” Also, in the second
paragraph, she used the word “a” instead of “an” in front of the word “unwanted.”
Overall I thought her blog was well written piece. I would be interested in any
future writing she may write.